Thursday 6 March 2014



Before filming our short film title, we as a group had to decide what our costumes would look like. When doing this we had to think of the different type of characters we are, our characters are  teenagers aged 16-17. We had to keep in mind what type of clothes teenagers would wear.

My costume as Laura
Ive chosen to wear black skinny jeans, with a white vest and a Kimono and also Nike blazers. I wore this because this is the type of outfit a teenager girl would wear when they are in six form or collage. 

Leah's costume as Skye 
Skye is a teenage girl who is the victim of the killer, therefore she wore a green jacket with leggings and converse. This is a very conventional outfit for teenagers aged 16-17, this is why Leah playing as Skye wanted to wear this outfit as this shows and symbolise and typical teenager.

Fern's costume as Charlotte 
By wearing a burgandy blouse, black jeans and a black cardigan with red converses, symbolises danger. As Charlotte is one of the main characters at the start of the film we decided that she should wear dark colours as she is in danger. This works well because this outfit is also worn by teenagers as this is a stylish costume. 

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