Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bentley Priory Location Shot

When planning our two minute opening for our horror film we decided to go to Bentley Priory, we chose Bentley Prior because it has many facilities to film in. For example rivers, an old building and a surroundings of trees. This was a great area of us to film fern running, as this created an eerie feel and effect, this was also effective because light wasn't let in due to the tress, this was effective as it made sense seem darker.

As you can see from the images above, Bentley Priory creates an image as spooky and eerie. This was a perfect location for us to film, also it was raining all day which also gave it extra effect, therefore this did not cause a problem for our group. However this did prevent us from filing on the grass as it was too muddy and slippery, and this could have caused a huge risk. 


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