Thursday 16 January 2014

Film Pitch, Padlet and Amendments

Film Pitch

This document shows our first film pitch which my group and me created, this document explains our titler to our film, our subgenre, logline, synopsis, the rescoures which are needed and the characters names. We as a group came up with an idea of our film name as we though it needed to be internet based, we called it Into-net. We had to write a detailed synopsis which had to include start, middle and end.

Film Pitch Feedback

This is our film pitch feedback from our target audience, after we created our film pitch we created a padlet wall and this is where our audience can write feedback about our synopsis. They would comment on what they like about our idea but also about what we should change. After everyone has written a comment we as a group when back over our film pitch and took these comments ahead.

Completed Film Pitch
After our film pitch feedback was completed we went back over to our film pitch to improve our synopsis, we took all the comments aboard and included them into our film pitch. We wrote our synopsis in more detail than it was before and this gave us a better understanding of our horror film. We also added a logline into our film pitch, as shown before we didnt complete this part as we could think of a relevent logline. After reading the comments and being able to think for a longer period of time we came up this a logline that was relevent.

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