Tuesday 28 January 2014


Idents - Ident is a short for identification, it is a short sequence which is usually 20-30 seconds  long that is shown at the begging of the film to identify which film production company are associated with it. 


Cinepix Productions was the name before lionsgate, Lionsgate films came around in 1998. Lionsgate is used with well known films such as 'The hunger games', it is also used for horror films. This is the new ident for Lionsgate which came out in 2013 and it is 23 seconds long. This ident starts of with a black background and fades into what seems to be the world, the camera is skimming through the outer layer of the earth with clouds cover it. It then slowly moves into a space like background and fades into clouds which then say lionsgate.

There is a lot of darkness and different sounds that are being used, this creates tension and power throughout the ident itself. The title is very bold and grabs your attention and the music is very strong and powerful as they use drums and trumpets, also the music gets louder when the ident comes to an end.

In 1999 Lionsgate ident is completely different from the present one. As we can see this beings with a faded black screen to fireworks which swirl into the sky, and then Lionsgate films appears. This ident is simple but clear and was seen as the most popular ident shown.


Dreams works was found in 1997 and was to create animated feature films such as 'Shrek' 'Madagascar' etc. They have made sure that this dent is appropriate for children as this ident is show in most animated films.

This ident is shown as child-like as it is shown in the sky with a boy sitting on the moon, Young children love to dream and would love to be in a fancy world, therefore this ident is aimed at children as the setting of the ident is in the sky with balloons and the colours grabs the children's attention.

When looking through the two ident's that Dreamworks have created it is clear that they are both very similar as they both include the sky, the boy on the moon and the balloons and the bold lettering, the main thing that has changed would be the use of colour, the darkness of the blue has changed.

My own workwhen analysing these film idents and their companies i now have a better understanding of what needs to be included in my own ident. My film genre is horror, I will be including dark colours, for example black and red to create tension. Then i will dd the name of the production company in big bold writing for it to stand out.

Friday 17 January 2014

Horror Film Step outline

Step Outline

This document shows the first two mintues of a film opening from The Women In Black. In this step outline i had to analyse everything that happened, this includes the timing, sounds, mise-en-scene, typlogy and editing. This task was very time consuming as we had to write every little detail that was in the film, this film was a challenage as the scenes changed every two seconds. I also found this challenging as counting the timing is difficult and describing the mise-en-scene is difficult as you need to include everything that is in the scene. I used my teachers NetFlix to watch this film opening as I didnt have a way of watching this.

This document is from a member in my group, she focused on two film titles, these were; Cabbin In The Woods and Sweeny Todd. She used the same step outline to fill in, and this includes timing, mise-en-scen, camear work, editing and typlolgy. As you can see these two films have used typology whereas the first film which I created didnt use typology.

With these three step outlines our group will now analisye them and use the infomation in our film title. When doing the step outlines you had to be very accurate in what you are writing, and you have to include every little deltail. These will help our group massivily as it gives use an understanding of how many seconds a scene should be and what is in our mise-en-scene.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Film Pitch, Padlet and Amendments

Film Pitch

This document shows our first film pitch which my group and me created, this document explains our titler to our film, our subgenre, logline, synopsis, the rescoures which are needed and the characters names. We as a group came up with an idea of our film name as we though it needed to be internet based, we called it Into-net. We had to write a detailed synopsis which had to include start, middle and end.

Film Pitch Feedback

This is our film pitch feedback from our target audience, after we created our film pitch we created a padlet wall and this is where our audience can write feedback about our synopsis. They would comment on what they like about our idea but also about what we should change. After everyone has written a comment we as a group when back over our film pitch and took these comments ahead.

Completed Film Pitch
After our film pitch feedback was completed we went back over to our film pitch to improve our synopsis, we took all the comments aboard and included them into our film pitch. We wrote our synopsis in more detail than it was before and this gave us a better understanding of our horror film. We also added a logline into our film pitch, as shown before we didnt complete this part as we could think of a relevent logline. After reading the comments and being able to think for a longer period of time we came up this a logline that was relevent.