Sunday 16 March 2014


For our evaluation we decided to create a website, with our 7 questions.

Below is the link to our website.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


We used two different locations which were very different from each other, we used Bentley Priory to film our first minute of the horror film as this was were fern was running through the woods. Also we used the Six form common room to create a causal effect, and a friendly environment. Both these locations fitted in with our horror film. 

Myself, Leah, Emma and Fern 

Myself, Emma, Leah and Fern 

Common Room 
We decided to go to Bentley Priory as it was a very horror like area, therefore this fitted in with our horror conventions. Within Bentley Priory there was a lareg woodlend area that we was filmed in, howere there were muddy puddles and slippery serverces so therefore we wasd unable to film in these places for health and saftey reasons. Although this gave our mise-en-scene a very dull and eerie effect.

for our second location we used our Six Form common Room, we decided to chose this area as it was relatable for our target audience whcih was teenagers. Therefore we used our common room becuase our characters are all students aged between 16-17, therefore this was perfect for our opening. 

Monday 10 March 2014


These images below are from the day we spend at Bentley Priory, these images were used in our final product. When we went to Bentley Priory we as a group had already decided and knew what we was going to film, therefore we spent the whole day filming our footage we needed. Although when uploading our footage we then realised that our footage wasn't what we expected it to be, we thought it looked too much like a trailer than an actual film.

When rethinking about our ideas, we decided to use some of our footage from Bentley Prior for the beginning of our horror film and re film the rest. when re filming the rest we decided to do this in school because this then links in with our teenage characters. We then filmed what we thought was a good idea, however this did not work, we had some problems when filming and did not like the idea. Finally we thought of a final idea and filmed in the Six Form common room, this went extremely well and filmed everything in the space of 2 hours. We used the common room footage in our final project. 

Friday 7 March 2014

Health and Safety Form

Below I have embedded the health and saftey form which was filled out by Leah and Fern before attending Bentley Priory,  to film our 2 minute film opening. 

When filling out this form we had to include the different hazards which we will face when filming at Bentley Priory, we then had to include the different risks that would happen during our filming session. We then decided who was at risk and what the control measures are, and how how high the risks are. By doing this we were more aware of our surroundings and what the dangers would be. 

Research and Planning


This is the Script that Leah produced before we started filming, we had to create a script as myself, Leah and Fern was acting in the sequence. Myself and Leah had to learn our lines ready for filming, by creating a script it gave us an understanding of what happens in each scene and when to change shot or angle.

Shot List
The shot list in which we produced was a good resource that we needed in order to be prepared when filming, if this was not completed than our group would be disorganised.

The shot list included; camera instructions, dialogue, description of action, actors and equipment. These captions are very important to use as actors and directors because they are crucial characteristic that we need to know well before we go filming.

This gave our group a clear understanding of what shot angle we need to use, this helped me understand media terminology more. i learnt that producing a shot list was a key element when filming.
My storyboard is comparable to my shot list, but with less information, however the actions has been illustrated. Within the storyboard we had to include an illustrated image for our action, type of shot/angle, dialogue/sound/camera, movement and timing.


Thursday 6 March 2014



Before filming our short film title, we as a group had to decide what our costumes would look like. When doing this we had to think of the different type of characters we are, our characters are  teenagers aged 16-17. We had to keep in mind what type of clothes teenagers would wear.

My costume as Laura
Ive chosen to wear black skinny jeans, with a white vest and a Kimono and also Nike blazers. I wore this because this is the type of outfit a teenager girl would wear when they are in six form or collage. 

Leah's costume as Skye 
Skye is a teenage girl who is the victim of the killer, therefore she wore a green jacket with leggings and converse. This is a very conventional outfit for teenagers aged 16-17, this is why Leah playing as Skye wanted to wear this outfit as this shows and symbolise and typical teenager.

Fern's costume as Charlotte 
By wearing a burgandy blouse, black jeans and a black cardigan with red converses, symbolises danger. As Charlotte is one of the main characters at the start of the film we decided that she should wear dark colours as she is in danger. This works well because this outfit is also worn by teenagers as this is a stylish costume. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bentley Priory Location Shot

When planning our two minute opening for our horror film we decided to go to Bentley Priory, we chose Bentley Prior because it has many facilities to film in. For example rivers, an old building and a surroundings of trees. This was a great area of us to film fern running, as this created an eerie feel and effect, this was also effective because light wasn't let in due to the tress, this was effective as it made sense seem darker.

As you can see from the images above, Bentley Priory creates an image as spooky and eerie. This was a perfect location for us to film, also it was raining all day which also gave it extra effect, therefore this did not cause a problem for our group. However this did prevent us from filing on the grass as it was too muddy and slippery, and this could have caused a huge risk.