Monday 30 September 2013

Storyboard activity

For an activity in class we chose a film scenario which related to a specific genre in groups. We then individually drew one storyboard. This was to practise our storyboarding skills and we were also revising angles and shot types. 

One of the storyboards was hand drawn, and the other was done by using a camera. We had to show eight different camera shots; close- up, extreme close -up, medium shot, Long shot, high angle, Low angle, point of view and eye level. 

What went well was my storyboard was accurate and easy to understand, my illustrations were very accurate and my facial expressions are very clear in what they are trying to show. The only problem with this activity was that our close up was not as accurate as it could have been on both storyboards. The close up wasn't tight enough and included too much of the setting (a door). This meant it was not a true close up and means that in future I will have to ensure I do not include very much set when trying to use a close-up. Also we didn't have the resources to complete this task. For the extreme close up we wanted to take a picture of a play button as an extreme close up but we couldn't find a device with this on.

Overall the task was a success and I felt I have learnt about shot types, especially how to improve my portrayal of certain shot types such as close ups.

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