Monday 24 February 2014

Ident for our group

Before creating an opening sequence of a Horror Film we needed to create our own personal Ident, which Emma created with Final Cut Pro, She found a certain template which will suit our horror genre. Then we decided on the colours on which we will use for our ident. 

 When talking about our ident we came up with a name called 'Elfs Productions' when creating our ident we decided to change our name as we needed it to be more formal and horror related. Therefore we used 'Self's Productions'. We wanted to make our ident 15 seconds as this will tie in with the overall theme of the 2 minute sequence. With this we chose the colours red and black as this links in with a typical horror film.  

Below i have embeded Youtube links that show our ident. 

This is our official ident which is 13 seconds long, we have kept the use of the red and black colours to symobolise danger within a Horror film. We have kept our ident creative but simple so that our audience will remember it easily. We have made the title bold and use capital letters throughout the word 'productions', we did this so that the title will stand out.