Tuesday 19 November 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluation

This clip was produced on GoAnimate by Leah and Fern. This clip was explaining how we used Shot Reverse Shot and how we used Match on Action in our preliminary task. This clip also involves how we used the 180 degree rule throughout.

This clip was produced on GoAnimate by my self and Emma. This clip is showing how we used media language and conventions. This passage explains how we used mise-en-scene and how we represented teenagers.

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task 
This is our preliminary task that we filmed. The task we had to film was have someone walk into a room and have a dialogue with another character. We had to include Match on Action, Shot reverse shot, and 180 degree rule. In this task we filmed it as a detention scene, Fern was playing the teacher whilst I was playing the student who was impolite to the teacher, Emma was playing the other student was who late to class. Leah filmed our task and edited it when finished .