Monday 7 October 2013

Match on Action Demonstration

Match on Action 
Match on Action is where it is cut from one shot to another shot,this shot needs to match the action and pace of the first shot. This gives the impression of the action containing from the next.

The scenario that we was given as a group was to demonstrate Match on Action, our scenario was a woman walking through a door. Before we filmed this scenario we had to plan out how it would be set, for this we created a sketch where the cameras were going to be placed, we needed to keep in mind that the cameras wouldn't be seen in each others shots. We had to make sure that our clips flowed well enough, so that our clip looked natural, and our action continued from the next.

The simplest part if the activity was editing the clips and making sure the demonstration flowed and was easy to understand. The most challenging part of the activity was placing the cameras in the right position, if the camera's were in the wrong position then the clip would look untidy and would make it look messy. To over come this challenge we made sure the camera's were placed in the right position and made sure they wouldn't be seen in each others shot.

Throughout this activity i learnt that i need to place the cameras correctly, for example my group placed the camera's to far around the corner, because of this we couldn't see when Leah was opening the door.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Demonstrating 180 degree rule & Shot Reverse Shot

The Activity 
The activity we had to do was to demonstrate a particular scene, where two people were having a convocation at a dinner date, whilst filming we had to show the 180 degree rule and the shot reverse shot. 

My particular role in this activity was to ensure the scrip was finished, also i had the role of being one of the two actresses and help making decisions on the editing. 

180 degree rule 
The 180 degree rule is when a imaginary circle has a imaginary line which connects the characters, this is called the axis. for every scene character A would appear framed to the left of character B, by keeping one side of the the axis or every shot. Character B would always be framed to the right of character . 

Shot Reverse Shot
Shot Reverse Shot is when one character is looking at another character which is often off screen. the other character is then shown looking back at the first character. in shot reverse shot it is important that the eye line matches, the audience then assumes that they are looking at one other. 

As a group our use of camera skills varied and made a few mistakes, our eye-level wasn't matching through-out which was stated on our peer assessment sheet. We needed to make our eye-level consistent by making sure our characters are at the same angle so that their eye-level matches. 
To have excellent attention to framing, you need to ensure you don't cut of the tops of the characters head. As a group we made this mistake within a couple of clips, however we did make sure the characters faces could be seen. The only problem with this was we was too close to one of the characters face, in some clips we had long shots, medium shots which then made the framing inconsistent.
To make sure we had close attention to mise-en-scene we cleared the background to make it look more appropriate and make It look more like a restaurant. we did this accurately as there was no posters around, however we did plan to leave a door open as we thought with would give a goo effect but this didn't really work the way we wanted it to.
How could we improve on the success of any/all the above aspects? what will you do differently next time?
To make sure the attention of framing is accurate, we will make sure the characters eye level is consistent as well as making sure the tops of peoples head isn't and we will film this from medium shot, this will make the video flow better. Also to include more mise-en-scene, if we had to right prop we could have added flowers or candles to make it seem more like a romantic dinner date. we would also take into consideration that there will be no posters or lockers in the background.
How did editing help make the meaning apparent to the viewer?
Editing has a huge impacted as we got to show the 180 degree rule and we was able to order our clips which made us use the shot reverse shot rule. We made both these rules clear as you can see the camera is being switched between two characters,when your watching the video you will notice we stay on one side of the characters, this is how you can tell we use the 180 rule correctly.